Charles Atchison

Hello there!

Check out some of what I've been working on down below!

Discovering Drivers of American Attitudes

Is America’s Glass Half-Empty? Discovering drivers of America’s prospective thinking.

Our team acquired survey data from the Pew Research Panel, and we explored the drivers of pessimism in American Prospective Attitudes. Understanding what most likely drives pessimistic or optimistic thinking about the future will help business leaders clarify strategies for moving forward and guide expectations of future success in the customers they serve, products offered, investments made, in Marketing and Sales, and throughout their business organization.

Github Programming Language Prediction

Can we predict a repo's programming language, based on the text in a README file?

This project scraped README markdown files from Github repos and we used natural language processing to filter and create datasets for each programming language. Using these datasets from over 30,000 README's we were able to predict what programming language was used based on the composition of the README text.

Bitcoin Price Prediction using Time-Series

Am I able to beat baseline with Time-Series Machine-Learning models?

This project utilizes historic Bitcoin price data between the dates of January 1, 2012 and March 31, 2021 and tests multiple different machine learning models to try to predict the price against the test dataset and beat baseline.